State Bank of India in Rohru

State Bank of India in Rohru

Dist Simla, Himachal Pradesh 171207
IFSCcode: SBIN0007418
MICRcode: 171002141
Phone: 01781-241489, 241220, FX 241120

Popular Banks : HSBC Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank, Nashik Merchants Co-Op Bank Ltd, NKGSB Co-operative Bank Ltd, Punjab & Maharashtra Co-operative Bank Ltd, The Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd, The Tamil Nadu State Apex Co-operative Bank Ltd, Union Bank of India, Vijaya Bank
Popular Brands : Just Casuals, KAZO, Leo Coffee, Lush, Madame, Maha Electronics, Prestige Smart Kitchen, Sting Clothing, Viveks Showroom, VLCC Health Care